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Vietnamese Woman Chopped-off Her Husband Manhood For Unusual behaviours



Vietnamese woman Mrs.N has completely chopped off her husband manhood

A Vietnamese Woman, identified only as Mrs.N has completely chopped off her husband manhood after she caught him on spy camera displaying unusual behaviour with his own niece.

Mrs N, who is from Son La, Vietnam, set up a secret camera in her husband niece bed room after the girl keep complaining several times about her uncle’s behaviour.

According to Police, the man named Mr. Nguyen Van H, had repeatedly engaged in what they called bad behavior towards his own niece.

Mrs N has she is usually called said that, the young girl told her many times about her uncle’s actions towards her, but because there was no evidence, Mr. Nguyen refused to admit his actions and she doesn’t want to take any decision without evidence.

The curious angry woman, then purchased a webcam and secretly set it up in the girl bedroom.
At noon, on March 18th, Mrs N checked the Camera and evidently discovered what the girl said about her uncle unwanted behaviour towards her is true and very unusual

The jealous Woman, who can’t stand the cheating husband then purchased a knife waited until he was sleeping on March 19th 2022 and totally chopped off his manhood.

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She then report herself to the police and told them what she has done to her husband. with the cut being so deep to his torso, medics could not save his manhood.

Dr. Dinh Khac Truong who attended the now manhood-less man said that, ” The surgery was very difficult for the doctors because the wound was so deep, and the manhood was completely chopped off and the skin was gone, making it difficult to shape.

Besides that, the manhood was cut with a knife requires doctors to treat the wound well, wash the severed part properly to avoid infections.
The authorities are investigation the footage of the horrific incident.

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