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New Covid Viarant: Americans Urged To Wear Face Masks



face mask

The spread of the new COVID variant BA 2.86 pushes all Americans to wear face masks.

US authorities urge all Americans to wear face masks due to the high level of risk from the

Covid infections with a new variant spreading and hospitalizations increasing.

The new covid variant Ba 2.86 has a large number of mutations and is being detected in the US and UK.

This virus has increased in hospital admissions, and US Centres for Disease Control and Preventions said it is too soon to know whether

it will lead to more serious illness compared to the other variants.

highly mutated covid variant

80 years old President Joe Biden was warned by one top doctor to take precautions and wear a face mask in crowd.

Dr Jonathan Reiner told CNN that “Octogenaries comprise the highest risk group for complications following Covid infections.

At least until the numbers start to drop again, it would be appropriate for President Biden to take some precautions and wear a mask in crowds”.

Dr Robert Wachter told the news outlet hospitalisation has not yet doubled and he is sure it will probably double.

Areas like San Francisco, California have been mandated to wear masks

and Morris Brown College has reinstated a two-week mask mandate and ban on parties or big events.

The new COVID variant has been found in other countries such as Denmark and Israel.

This variant has 36 mutations and therefore doctors are keeping eye on its lineage


