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Italy Children To Bear Surnames Of Both Father and Mother



The constitutional Court of Italy has ruled that, Children should bear two Surnames

The constitutional Court of Italy has ruled that, Children should bear two Surnames, instead of only from the Dad. The constitutional court in Italy has overturn the traditional naming, in which a child automatically bear only the surname of the father, as discriminatory and harmful to the identity of the child.

The court in short statement described the practice was ” discriminatory and harmful to the identity of the child.” Adding that both parents should be able to decide on which surname the new baby should bear.

The constitutional court also added that, Children should be given both parents surnames, in the order the they decide.
Unless both parents (mother and dad) agree upon one option that, the children should take just one surname.

The new legislation is subject to Parliament approval, before the can be implement in the country.

The Italian family minister, Elena Bonetti, on her Facebook post stated that, the government would fully support parliament in this process.

“We need to give substance [to the decision] … and it is a high priority and urgent task of politics to do so,” she was quoted saying.

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In other news, Pop Francis and some political elite in the country has expressed concern over the declining of birth rate, and the cost of raising children in the country.

According to Reuters December 2021 report, “Birth rate in Italy has hit a record 160 – years low and continue to slide.

According to current data from, Italy is tenth on the table of low birth rate in the world with average birth rate of 8.5 out of 1000, behind Bulgaria, Macau, South Korea and Greece. The top five Countries with low birth rate are Monaco, Andorra, Japan, Portugal and Taiwan.

The top five Countries with the highest birth rate, with an average of 42.4 to 43.7 out of 1000 people. Are Angola, Niger, Mali, Chad and Uganda respectively.


