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violance attacks between farmers and herdsmen in Nigeria
violance attacks between farmers and herdsmen in Nigeria, image unrelated

At least 45 lives were lost in a senseless barbaric violence attacks, between Farmers and Fulani herders in the central part of Nigeria.

That was according to the office of the president, President Muhammadu Buhari.

The office of the Nigerian President confirmed this in a statement, late on Tuesday 21st December 2021.

The office of the president:

“At least 45 farmers were killed in the violence between farmers and herders in Central Nigeria”.

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Fulani Herdsman, File Image unrelated

The statement continue, “The office of president Muhammadu Buhari said at least 45 farmers were killed in the violence that erupted on Friday. Dozens more were wounded”, it said.

President Muhammadu Buhari, “expressed grief over the heart-wrenching killings, and said his government would leave no stone unturned, in fishing out the perpetrators of this senseless and barbaric incident. And bring them to justice”.

A report from the local police stated that, the violence broke out when armed Fulani herdsmen attacked villagers from the TIV Ethenic group, over the Killing of a kinsman that the blamed on the TIV Farmers. The unrest carry-on until Sunday.

The initial death toll was estimated to be eight according to the police.

Nasarawa State Police spokesman Ramhan Nansel, earlier said, Military and Police team was deployed to the area to restore peace, and also find and arrest the perpetrators, so they can be brought to justice.

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Fulani Herdsmen, File Image unrelated

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Ramhan Nansel: “we received complaint on the Killing of Fulani Herdsman, but while the investigation was ongoing, a reprisal attacks was carried out in Hangara village and neighbouring Kwayero village.

“Eight people were initially reported killed in the attack, their bodies was recovered by the police and taken to hospital “.

But, Peter Ahemba of Tiv Development Association disputed that figure, and claimed the death toll was much higher than the initially reported.

Peter Ahenba: “we recovered more than 20 corpses of our people killed in the attacks in 12 villages, across Lafia, Obi and Awe Districts. And around 5,000 people were displaced.
Adding that, many people are still unaccounted for.

Source, Aljazeera News Africa.

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