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WASSCE 2022: WAEC Cancels Subject Results of 3,845 Students



The results of some 3,845 applicants who took the 2022 West Africa Senior Schools Certificate Examination have been canceled, according to the West Africa Examinations Council (WAEC) (WASSCE).

As a matter of fact, this year’s exam was taken by a total of 422,883 applicants, including 219,130 girls and 203,753 boys.

In a press release announcing the publication of the 2022 WASSCE results on December 1, 2022, WAEC stated as follows:

“The subject results of 3,845 candidates have been cancelled for sending foreign material into the examination hall,”

Additionally, “518 candidates’ full results have been canceled for bringing mobile devices into the testing facility.”

Furthermore, WAEC has deferred the release of “the complete results of 117 applicants” until “investigations into alleged incidences of impersonation uncovered during the examination” are concluded.

Also, “the scripts of applicants from 179 schools are being scrutinized for reported examples of collusion,” according to WAEC.

Meanwhile, the results of candidates whose results have been withheld “may be invalidated or disclosed dependent on the outcome of the investigations,” according to WAEC.

Additionally, 8,486 school applicants who took the exam will be unable to view their online results.

“Following a request from the Ghana Education Service (GES), the results of 8,486 candidates who failed to return learning support materials supplied to them and/or destroyed school property cannot be accessed online at the Council’s website,” WAEC noted.

Meanwhile, the “affected candidates” were counseled by the Council to check with their schools to learn their results.

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