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Texas man, Jose Manuel Guzman allegedly killed his sister

Texas man who had sexual intercouses with his biological sister, beat her to death for been in relationship with another man.
Jose Manuel Guzman, 32-year old man, who has been having sexual intercouses with his biological sister beat her to death for suspecting her sleeping with another man.

The Texas man in question, who is a Guatemalan national leaving in the USA, beat his sister to death with a baseball bat after he allegedly found out she had had been having sex with another man in Texas, United States.

According to the EL Paso Times, EL Paso Country District Attorney said, Jose Manuel Guzman alleged killed his sister in the Canutillo home they both shared.

Jose Manuel Guzman, allegedly bolted after suspecting of his sister being with a friend who visited a night earlier. He then attacked her with a “massage instrument” and a bat, killing her in the process and tried to concealed the crime scene

The EL Paso Times reported that, Guzman tried to mop up the blood in the house where he committed the heinous crime, after been in a forbidden sexual relationship with his owned blood sister.
But he quickly fled the crime scene as he heard law enforcement approaching.

He was pursuit and arrested and charged him with murder. He is in jail on a $1million bail bond on his head.

According to the Prosecutor, Guzman is from Guatemala and a legal US resident, although he is not a US Citizen. He has been living in EL Paso since he was 3 year- old, and only recently learned that he has a sister in Guatemala, who end up joining him in the United States.

According to Authorities, after they met each other allegedly began the forbidden relationship which involves sexual intercouses relationship.

El Paso Times Prosecutors added that, Guzman was also a drug dealer with previous criminal convictions, including a 2017 case where he is accused of breaking a man’s arm with a baseball bat and smashing his windows.

He also reportedly has previous family violence and drug possession cases.

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