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Professional Kickboxer Files $5m For Human Trafficking



Professional kickboxer files $5m in human trafficking.

In December 2022, Andrew Tate and his brother were arrested over allegations of rape and sexually exploiting women and filed $5m for human trafficking.

The professional kickboxer and his brother Tristan sued the woman who accused them for human trafficking in Palm Beach County,

Florida, USA and seeking $5m for accusing them of imprisoning her in Romania and led to their arrest on charges of human trafficking in December 2022.

They didn’t only sue the woman who accused them but they also sued the woman’s parent and another woman.

This woman lives at their Bucharest estate in Romania.

According to the New York Post,

The case was filed in Palm Beach County on Tuesday where the woman and parents lived.

The Tate filed them $5m because they costed them in their freedom , led to losses of millions of dollars from their social media, podcasts and other businesses.

Tate’s attorneys Thomas Maniotis and Joseph D. McBride have claimed that the clients are the victims of the

Andrew Tate And His Brother Tristan Tate

Florida woman and labelled the woman as “A Professional Con Artist“,

A woman who had a sexual relationship with Tristan so she could move to Romania and scam him and Andrew.

When her alleged plans was unsuccessful, she made allegations in Romania and the US.

“At no point did the Tate brothers engage in human trafficking” says the lawsuit

The attorneys accuse the woman of being “A serial liar, manipulator and schemer who exploits vulnerable, often wealthy men with good intentions for sexual, financial and emotional profit”.

According to the charges by the Romanian officials,

The Tates

The Tates and two other Romanian women formed a gang in order to commit crime of human trafficking in 2021.

Tristan met the woman on a dating app, invited her to their business event in Miami in December 2021.

Andrew Tate When Interviewed

He had multiple intercourse with the woman in the two week he was in Miami

Tristan paid for her to come to Romania in April.

The Tate brothers were robbed $200,000 telling them they needed it for “something important

The brothers alleged in their lawsuit, adding that the women made the trafficking claims when they were unable to get the money.


